i've been so busy lately i haven't updated at all ... i've been reading everyone's blogs but i haven't had a chance to comment (so sorry! i'll be doing that this week!) so ... what's been going on ...?
i had my 31 week ultrasound on the 8th ... it went really well. they're going to let me attempt to make it until 39 weeks before they induce me. he wasn't breach anymore and it looked like the placenta previa was almost completely gone. he's still itty bitty and weighed 3 pounds 3 oz that day! but due to all of that they don't think i'm going to need a c section. :-D and my blood sugars are much lower, which the dr. is much happier about, lol.
diabetes wise things are looking pretty good. i'm still trying to check my blood sugar about every 1 1/2 hours to every 2 hours, which i'm great at during the week but on weekends i have a tendency to not follow the best schedule.
on the 9th we all (mom, dad, sister, her friend, brother1, brother1 gf, brother2, brother2 gf, myself, and big t) went to my cousin's wedding. it was almost a 3 hour drive one way but it was a nice wedding and the reception was beautiful.
and now for the fun stuff ... i'm still signed up to do the sugar bolus for the 1st week in dec!!! i'm super excited about it and i'm still working with some people for more items to use in the giveaway. so far i have some pretty fun stuff to use and i can't wait til it gets closer so that i can do a review on the awesome products and then give them to all of you!!!
and last but not least --- pictures ...